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Old 12-03-2012, 10:40 AM   #14
Wearing her bitch boots
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
What do we do now? I'm not sure, but I am pretty sure that we need to get money into the hands of consumers. Consumers drive the economy. Rich people do NOT drive the economy. Consumer demand created jobs. Small business monetary holdings do not create jobs.
Can I get an AMEN?!

All those senior citizens with their social security spend that money...on food and medicine and doctors and travel, etc.

Get money into people's pockets and they will spend it. On food, travel, housing, clothing, entertainment, investments, houses, cars, etc.

That spending increases demand on businesses, which allows them to expand and create jobs to hire more people.

This, then, inflates the value of the businesses and translates to increased dividend and stock values. More revenue/net income = more taxes to the government. Not necessarily a higher tax rate, more OF the current taxes.

Everyone benefits. All the way to the top. And sideways through the federal and state government(s).

If you're playing fair and not being greedy and near-sighted, that is.

However, if your purpose is to milk as much cash from whomever and stash that money overseas in a tax haven, or run shady/shaky investment deals and get it done before anyone catches on or regulates it, then doing it the slow way, from the ground up won't work for you.

Corporate profits are at an all time high. If you are one of those people reaping the benefits of this, you sure as hell don't want that to change. Paying employees more or giving better benefits would cut into your profits! OMG! (Dumbasses don't even think beyond the end of their pointed little noses...err...wallets).

So go for the spending cuts on the backs of the poor people, the disabled, the elderly, our children...because they have no power or influence and there are no instant profits to be had from helping them survive. Plenty of long term benefits, but too many people have bought the fairy tale that we must CUT CUT CUT NOW NOW NOW or tomorrow the world will end. They aren't even willing to consider that they might be wrong.

And maybe more people should research how the economy actually works before they start bleating about what should be done with it.
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- Mahatma Gandhi
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