Thread: My Dog Tucker
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Old 06-15-2007, 11:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
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My Dog Tucker

He's 10 years old, a black cocker spaniel who used to have orange brown eyebrows, paws and butt as a puppy, but are now fading to grey black. That's a pretty good life for a dog, 10 years but I think he can live to be 17 or so; he's really muscular, healthy and active.

That is until last month. Tucker has had seizure attacks in the past that required medication. So a month ago when he started limping my family thought it might be that. So the doctor reactivated his old meds but for the last 2 weeks he still has been limping really bad; it was getting worse. My mom took him into the vet again to be rechecked because the medication wasn't working and now they tell us he has a torn ligament. He will need medication for a long while and surgery. My family has to decide what to do----put him to sleep or go through the healing process. Of course we'd like to revive him, but personally and financially this complication comes at bad time for us, my sister almost died due to a horrible incident of Montezuma's revenge last Christmas break, my uncle won't stop smoking and his diabetes is beating him, and worse last week my grandmother has fallen on her hip and is recovering in the hospital. But this thread is on my dog Tucker.

It might be cheaper to put him down than keep up with his health problems for the remainder of his life. See, in Filipino families the animal is part of the family, sort of. Kind of. But not too much. The outlook on animals is that they were put on earth for our use, such as food and work, i.e. eat chickens and use carabaugh (like a Filipino water buffalo) for farming. I myself, call Tucker rarely by his name and mostly by "Dog." It's a very different perspective on animals that animal rights activists would probably be disgusted with. But that's how we see animals, put on earth by God to be man's utility.

But I don't want Tucker to go. I'm torn in what decision should be made. The thing is, we named him Tucker because when we visited his litter to pick out a pet he tucked himself right under my legs whre I was sitting.
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