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Old 08-06-2015, 01:51 PM   #40
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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Most scientists don't have the temperament or inclination to do it, which is why there appears to be a "debate".
There appears to be a "debate" because political people have framed the subject in a way that they enjoy having a debate over. The debate in science, as you know, happens constantly and permanently. No one side is considered "right", there is only an increasing collection of theories and evidence of various qualities to back those theories up.

The self-contained "pox on both their houses" attitude is what the "merchants of doubt" are going for. Just like with smoking and lung cancer, all they need is to make it seem like the jury's still out as long as possible, so let's keep the status quo.
The narrative is different every time.

(ctd next message so as not to have a novel here)
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