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Old 09-14-2005, 09:00 PM   #26
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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People vary on whether they personally want to pay taxes, but they want taxes to be paid. But that, too, is practically off-topic. The point is, they recognize the government's ability to tax. They believe that the government is legitimate, even if the particular tax amount they don't want to pay is legitimate. They may complain about the tax, but their answer is to request lower taxes from their legitimate government, and/or to change the government through elections.

If their neighbor does not pay taxes, they want the government to go use guns on him. When the government does, the people say it was justice. If that threat were removed, the people would find another means to threaten their neighbor into paying the tax.

Nine wo/men in black robes determine whether something is unconstitutional, not you. The Constitution invests that power in the court system. The people believe in the legitimacy of the court system. If the courts found the amendment to be unconstitutional, the people would demand another amendment be drawn up and passed immediately. One day after the social security checks bounced, there would either be a constitutional convention or martial law or both. Neither option would be very pretty, or very libertarian, to you or anybody else.
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