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Old 12-03-2012, 06:02 AM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
@Recipies? Might be a good distraction eh?

@Griff and @SamIam: Thanks for the welcome back.

@SamIam: In fracking, you bore a hole VERY deep (way past any ground water), and then you can bore horizontally, wherever you want to go, to get to the shale that has the oil, and fracture it.

There is NO strip mining!

It's like a hole for a water well, but much deeper. Everything else is hundreds to thousands of feet below the surface, and you see nothing of it.

Obama was bound to win - everybody loves $anta Claus! And he's "cool", and he's an idiot who can't run a lemonade stand in the hot Summer, with free lemons and water.

But he's cool, and he's got us on the dole - for jobs, for assistance of all types. Thanks to his economic policy duds, we've got more people on welfare than ever, in our history.

And he's promised us everything, if we just tax the rich.

What a load of horse shit! But we're going to call it FUN fertilizer, don't ya know!

Actual budget cuts offered by Obama and the Democrats so far: 0.00%

Will Grover Norquist and the Tea Party modify the tax code to bring in more revenue to help decrease the deficit by even so much as .000001% ? NO
The tax code can't be changed unless the democrats approve it (which they won't), so no, the tax code can't be changed, atm. Norquist is an influential lobbyist, and on the Council on Foreign Relations, but has no vote in Congress, for either party. So he's out of the picture for any actual bill writing.

I tend to agree with Richlevy: some tax increases will be needed, but spending cuts should be 100 X as much - it's totally out of whack with Obama.

Drunken sailors could learn how to spend their money faster, by watching Obama.

You can drain the rich until they're wearing rain barrels - it won't cut the deficit one penney - because our projected spending deficit exceeds every cent that all the rich guys in the country are worth, all together.

You flunked arithmetic?

THAT's the big elephant in our living room, and I agree completely with Richlevy - we've had two wars + the extensive air campaign over Libya - and you can't do that without raising taxes.

My other interests are programming and helping out with Folding@Home and other computer assisted efforts to help cure diseases.

I'm #19 on my team, and #389 on the entire Folding@Home project.

Anybody read about the tax loophole that Starbucks and other multinationals are using to avoid ALL federal taxes in the UK?

Shows we don't have the only brain dead tax policies.

@SamIam: Trust me, you don't know what a "Scrooge" is, until you've seen a full on monetary crisis. It would make our fiscal cliff look like cheesecake, with our favorite ice cream. THAT is what the forced fiscal cliff, is meant to avoid - and it had better work, if it's needed.

Last edited by Adak; 12-03-2012 at 06:17 AM.
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