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Old 04-03-2006, 01:35 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
Do you see the pattern here? In every case medicine was no use. In every case it was a single vitamin that erased the problem.
Cancer is a Chronic metabolic condition and there is no reason to believe that the solution will be any different from above.
However i am not content with the strength of this logic and neither i hope will you be so some scientific evidence is needed here.
I'm not content with the strength of your logic in either of your posts. Yep, some conditions are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, if you eat more vitamin C, you won't get smallpox. If you eat lots of vitamin B complex, you won't get malaria because mosquitoes don't like the smell of B vitamins and will leave you alone. Vitamin A is great for the measles. Niacin does wonders for yellow fever. Puleeez!

Vitamins also kill people, too. Explorers lost in the Antartic have died because they ate their sled dogs, including the livers which contained toxic amounts of vitamin A.

Go bombard some other more gullible group with your crazy theories. I have to go buy a copper bracelet for my arthritis now.
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