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Old 03-18-2008, 07:48 PM   #20
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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There's a fella who exercises a bald eagle over our valley from time to time. Massive creature it is. First time I saw it gliding about overhead and suddenly dropping out of sight, I had no idea what it was. Thought it was a much smaller bird, but closer to...then when I rounded the bend in the road and saw it come in from the west towards its handler, who was stood on the rocks at the side of the road where the valley drops away into hillside, I realised it was fucking huge.

One time I was stood further up the hillside on the other side of the road, watching the bird glide and swoop about in the valley below me, I saw this single magpie fly out from somewhere and seem to fly right at the eagle. It'd do these weird midair feints at it then dart away and come back again. Amazing to watch. I gather it had a nest nearby that it was seeking to protect. Was like watching a guy standing in front of a tank.
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