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Old 05-05-2003, 06:45 AM   #19
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Germany
Posts: 1,462
New free China

Q: Are you saying that all food is the exact same quality, no matter who produces it? Isn't it better to be able to buy the best quality food?

A: The company control the quality before they are sent to market to assure product class. The package food are made by machine. We don't pack the fresh food. It is very difficult to differentiate the fresh food quality. We only can divide them in different class.

Of course, we all want to buy the best quality. In fact you need think about your buy capacity. There are Sunkist orange in super markets. The price is very high. So I can not buy it. I have to buy second class orange. I will choose the low price and second class when I think the second class product is enough good. Not all the people can afford to the best quality food.

Q: Are there companies or corporations in China? Or is it all owned by the government?

A: Are you kidding? Now in China there are millions companies and corporation. I worked in one state company. Now I work in one France-Sino company. Now China government would gradually give the right to the private and outside company.

Q: Is food the only thing that's standardized, or are other products standardized as well?

A: Almost product, including food, are packed and standardized in China now.

Q: What do you think of the "Great Firewall of China"? Are there any websites that you're unable to visit?

A: I think we should build the "Great Firewall of China" to prevent virus, sex to child, privacy. There are many pc to be broken when one virus is popular. Don't we protect our pcs?

There are few websites that we can not visit. The websites mainly is Sex, like playboy because in China we can not assure that young chilren saftely visit websites. They have no ability to decide what you should see.

Q: Do they also censor political books?

A: I don't know if they sensor political books because I don't like political books. So I can not iudge if they control books. But the fact is that you must have application before they publish one book. Then the government may sensor the books. In fact, gorvernment would not master too hard on books.

Q: How do you learn about other forms of government if the government prevents access to information on them?

A: Internet is one good tool. We can communicate with others in forum. There I can know something. I can hear something from friends. Sometimes the gorvernment civil servant talked it to his friends and family. So the news would spread in the people.

Q: If you say something against the government, will you be thrown in prison? For example, if you were in a crowded public area and started shouting, "I love democracy! Down with communism!", what would happen? Would it be a reenactment of the 1989 Tianamen Square incident?

A: We have freedorm to talk agaist view with others. Now I hear few people throen in prison. There are little movement as you say to stay together to pen oppose the gorvernment. You must apply the admission before you have the movement.

It is very difficult to foretell if we will have reenactment of the 1989 Tianamen Square incident again. We would do the fool things if the gorvernment give us freedorm. In fact I feel more free than ago day after day. We are striving for freedom and demmunism by communication with gorvernment.

Q: What do you think of Falun Gong?

A: Fisrt, I tell you that I am very against the Falun Gong. The cause as follow:

1. It is one evil religion. Its soul is that they don't work and God can give things if they just exercise Falun. As you know, if we don't work we have no food to eat. I like Christianism and other religions because they encourage people to help eah other and work hard.

2. They kite money. You must give much money to your header if you want to join. The just give them pieces of paper. I know many people give all their money to headers. The header said that they would be long life if they give teir money to God. The fact is that the people starved.

3. The header outrage women members. The header cheated them that they would be heathy if have sex with headers.

There are many bad thing of Falun Gong. I can not say it in ome time.

The China gorvernment encourage people have religions. My mother is one Buddhism fan. We all support her.

I am glad to answer you. I tell you that you should judge China using your eyes, not only media.
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