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Old 11-03-2019, 08:15 AM   #15
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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What the almighty fuck?

The Queer Kids' Stuff channel - aimed at pre-school - kindergarten age kids.

LGBTQ+ vids for kids! I'm your host Lindsay and with the help of my best stuffed friend, Teddy, we'll be teaching you what gays mean, what LGBT stands for, what's up with marriage equality and so much more!
One of the playlists is called 'All about ACTIVISM!' and includes titles like,

Are you an ACTIVIST? - A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara: QUEER KID STUFF STORYTIME
The Future Is FEMALE! - The Women's March 2017:
The main series has topics like:

What do you call QUEER PARENTS?
Reading NEITHER with Drag Queen Story Hour - Storytime:
and the old classic:

B is for BI-SEXUAL!
One of the ideas they seem to be pushing is that everybody is really queer in some way.

You know - when I was in secondary school there was a law passed that made it illegal for teachers to discuss homosexuality with children, even if said child had come to them to seek advice because they thought they might be gay - books were purged from school libraries if they had the slightest hint of the Gay

And one of the biggest arguments for this was that homosexuality was something children learned and by learning about it and discussing it it would be normalised and that schools discussing the subject in any way could effectively groom, kids into gayness.

The LGBT community worked fucking hard to fight that notion and present the counter evidence that they were not a threat to the nation's youth -

I would be so depressed if I was part of my cohort's LGBT community - youtiber LGBT activists seem to be hell bent on being the thing that people fear, instead of actually showing that the various different ways in which humans experience and express gender identity and sexual orientation have validity and are normal for a percentage of the population at any given time.

This is not teaching children to be accepting of difference and not to feel ashamed or like they have to hide away if they don't naturally conform to the societal norm - it is pure political indoctrination. It is fucking vile.

Kids that young don't need to know this stuff. Teach them to accept difference in general terms. Nothing wrong with a kids tv show having a character who adults would characterise as transgender - but the kids dont need that word - they just need to know that if someone they think looks like a boy has decided he wants to wear a skirt and play with the girls - it's ok. People are different and that's ok.

They don't need a detailed breakdown of all the various ways people experience gender and sexual identities - they're children - let em get to grips with using pencils and not sticking lego up their noses before we hit them with this shit.

And they certainly don;t need to learn about fucking feminism and political activism - seriously what the almighty fuck?

The world's gone mad. This is insanity.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae

Last edited by DanaC; 11-03-2019 at 08:25 AM.
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