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Old 03-06-2006, 07:19 PM   #969
Irrelevant Adulterant
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 43
Oven Page (homepage): click window on oven door
| Title: Something Is Coming
Asia Awaits (not.htm): red background. Click 'Asia' text to get prompt.
| Title: afg bbb bai bab adc aig bba baa adc ahd bab bab aef
| Prompt: 'HeWhoLivesByTheSword'
| Clues: Check the source code.
Truck Page (TimeFlows.htm): Decipher the clues and change the page URL to
| Title: Patients.......079 110 032 116 [...more three-digit #'s]
| Clues: Check the source code. Google and anagramming will help.
Treesign Page ({answerfromprevious}.htm): Click the sign to get prompt.
| Prompt: 'WhatALovelyDrapeTheyMake'
| Clues: Source code, Photoshop.
Hotel Page (Aquatic.htm): Click a lower window to continue to the next screen.
| Title: the eyes that C the Claws that CatCh
| Clues: Source code, but only for further pages.
The Lights Page (SM.htm): Click on the lowest light first, to get the later
| clues in the correct order.
| Title: A moth flew in the room when I di4d
| Prompt, L1 (../1/~.htm): 'Curiosity Killed The Cat'
| Prompt, L2 (../2/~.htm): 'Master and Betrayer'
| Prompt, L3 (../3/~.htm): 'Dorothy and Scarecrow'
| Prompt, L4 (../4/~.htm): 'FACE0F, What darkness do we live'
| Prompt, L5 (../5/~.htm): 'Frankenstein now, Yuki's Bird'
| Prompt, L6 (../6/~.htm): 'Audition, Death of a Traveling Salesman'
| Clues: mouseover statusbar messages.
-+->First Light (../1/1.htm) Click the license plate to open a subpage.
| Page 'number': 73
| Walls code(s): Outside: 1F DH | Inside: none
>--->License Plate (HypericumPerforatum.htm)
| Title: Hide Your Sorrows
| Clues: the ASCII text making up the picture is a code, repeated several
| times over. Decode it, then Google the quote to answer the next
| prompt.
-+->Second Light (../2/toto.htm) Click the 'eyes' of the tree to find subpages.
| Page 'number': 54
| Walls code(s): Outside: 2F SJ | Inside: 2f, BR 9f
| source code
| Photoshopped text in the left side of the photo reads "How would
| you like it if someone picked something off of you?"
>--->The Black page (../2/left.htm) The 'eye' on your left, not the tree's.
| Title: We Face Each Other Across A Small Table.
| Clues: "HTATDSENETCURDTNRHEOSEOLFH" below the image.
| The bulk of the page is an all-black jpg, with imagemaps that
| spell out "Shovel that good snow" backwards.
| Mouseover statusbar messages describe the Sheepman's room.
>--->The Tunnel page (../2/right.htm) The 'eye' on your right, not the tree's.
| Title: Philip K. Dick's Fortune Cookie
| Clues: The six parts of the image change upon mouseover to show lines
| from Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
| The bottom slice of image is also an animated .gif that flashes
| 'YOU ARE NOT OF[sic] THE PATH' once every ~ten seconds.
-+->Third Light (../3/WeAreConnected.htm) Click the date and the faint circles
| to open subpages.
| Title: Robert Silvers
| Page 'number': 23
| Walls code(s): Outside: 9G BR | Inside: BR 9g
| Clues: Clicking the smaller windmill pops up a JS message encoded in
| Navajo, specifically that from the code used in WWII.
| There are five hard-to-see circles just below the windmills; each
| one leads to a smaller popup window, displaying a robotic head, as
| well as displaying mouseover status messages.
>--->The Heads pages (../3/head/[1-5].htm)
| Titles: 1: Piggy Piggy
| 2: We've Got Ventriloquists
| 3: Who Watches the Watchme...
| 4: We Are Connected
| 5: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy
| Clues: Each of the head pictures is a variant of "David Hanson.jpg",
| and all five pages have "unhssrvelette " (with the space) in the
| source code. This anagrams to 'seventh result', which is the
| appropriate Google result to find the David Hanson who created
| the head.
>--->The Steel Bars page (../3/ever_yo_ne_i_sdead.htm)
| Title: 1 2
| Clues: Upon page load, a JS popup appears that has Navajo text in it.
-+->Fourth Light (../4/1129524974645525182.htm) Click the power lines and the
| vehicle in the distance for popup messages, both plaintext &
| Navajo. Unlinked subpages, see Clues.
| Page 'number': 999
| Walls code(s): Outside: 4I ST | Inside: 4I ST
| Clues: Several images are named to 'fit' together: 'I', 'am', 'cursed.'
| and 'diablo'.
| Photoshopped text in upper-left sky reads "[The danger] must be
| growing/[For the rowers keep on rowing/And they certianly are not
| showing/any] signs that they [are slowing.]"
| Subpages: ../4/Moluccas.htm, ../4/Sorrows%20of%20Werter.htm, &
| ../4/Plutarch's%20lives.htm
| Titles: Moluccas: X, 743-5 (refers to book 10 of Paradise Lost)
| Plutarch's: A life half lived.
| Werter: Distant Mother. Resentful child.
| Clues: Imagenames are related: 'fear', 'love', & 'hate', and 'who',
| 'is', & 'left'
| Mouseover status messages read, variously, "I have no mouth",
| "and I", & "must scream"
| Heavily encoded Navajo code in the source of Moluccas.
| Text in the background images can be strung together to read
| "There's something really abnormal about you, you know."
| The background images themselves can be put together to show a
| figure looking out of a window at a hotel.
-+->Fifth Light (../5/three.htm) Click the figure's face, the biohazard symbol,
| and the fist above the figure's head for subpages. Double-click
| the dagger to make it fade. Click 'Ever so peaceably' and the
| figure's chest for popup messages.
| Page 'number': 1107
| Walls code(s): Outside: 4S TC | Inside: 4I ST
| Clues: Several anagrams/Navajo codes/etc. in the popups.
>--->The Fish page (../5/ANOTHERCORPSE.htm) (click the fist-in-a-circle)
| Title: I wouldn't be able to wash it off.
| Clues: "I am a smuts innuendo" in the source code.
| "THE CURSE OF THE MASERATI" in a JS mouseover; "What's Happened
| to me?" in a popup.
>--->Idle Tuesday page (../5/UNREQUITEDLOVE.htm) (click the biohazard sign)
| Title: Cuck-Koo
| Clues: "Did I kill Kiki?" in a popup; the image is 'kiki.jpg'.
>--->The Scepter page (../5/WhereIsGotanda.htm) (click the figure's chest)
| Title: SCEPTER
| Clues: "Thoughtyou'dgetheresooner" as a JS popup.
| Has an animated .gif, of a handprint changing to a hoofprint.
| Click the image to open a sub-subpage.
>------>The Carpace page (../5/Carpace.htm)
| Title: [none]
| Clues: Inverted (white text) ASCII art; an outline of a cockroach.
|-+->Sixth Light (../6/FindTheDate.htm) Click the tree for a subpage.
| Title: Sun and Death Travel Together
| Page 'number': 2371
| Walls code(s): Outside: The Walls Are Closing In | Inside: BR 9g
| Clues: passing your mouse over the image changes the season from winter
| to summer and viceversa.
| summer.jpg has "Bad core.", "Coo! Bearded crab", and "Bore cad."
| photoshopped into the sky. These all anagram to 'barcode'.
| Every image 'inside' this light has one or more barcodes embedded
| in it.
| Barcodes decode as:
| "Even the darkness of night was different."
| "What was Paige's number?"
| "crownswordscepterm"
| "I scarcely talk to the cat anymore."
| There's one more barcode that is too blurred to read.
>--->The First House page (5coffinsandoneempty/Vig.htm) Click the right-hand
| window for a subpage.
| Title: A Perfectly Common Accident
| Clues: 'BOX', repeated three times, and 'SHOVEL THAT GOOD SNOW', both
| in the source code.
| "She was married to the Dolphin", in Windows 'Symbol' font,
| embedded in the left-side sky.
| A long string of gibberish in the source code, possibly Vigenere
| code.
| Barcode decodes as "The area had changed Mark"
| 'Sad Lisa' lyrics, by Cat Stevens, popup upon page load.
| The image name, "undevilish net" anagrams to "devil in the sun".
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