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Old 11-08-2012, 12:15 PM   #79
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
And how would we do that? Bringing down the deficit isn't a intuitive task. Right now we spend more on the three things that both parties refuse to cut (Social Security, Medicare, and Defense) than the revenue we bring in each year.
You increase revenue by removing the "gov't will now pick winners and losers in the IRS game of taxes", loopholes.

Read this NYTimes article on how the GE corporation makes millions, and pays NOTHING, because of loopholes. Keep the pepto bismol handy, and breakable objects out of reach. Because you WILL be boiling mad.

Then you get our economy moving, so income to the gov't, is naturally increased. Well, that's a hope out the window now, but anyway... If you cut the size of gov't, you can cut a huge amount of gov't expense. Obama has increased federal employee's by the thousands, since taking office. We have to carry every one of them on our backs, as we labor - naturally.

Third, we quit this whole "nation building" idea for awhile. We spent a decade in Iraq, and another decade in Afghanistan, and we just can't afford to do that again. If we're attacked by a country with their terrorists, we go to fight them, and then WE LEAVE - AND LET THEM REBUILD THEIR COUNTRY for 10 to 30 years. It's not ideal, but it's realistically, what we should be doing, if attacked at this time.

Ryan's budget was a great guideline for moving us into fiscal responsibility. Someone is going to have to look into the federal budget very carefully, and start removing the non-essentials.

I'll pick paying farmers NOT to grow crops, as one of my favorite non-essentials. There are thousands more, however. This is comical in a recession:

Clinton had a pretty good grasp on what you needed to do to keep things running in the black. Wasn't always right, but compared to Bush or Obama, he was a real Conservative.
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