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Old 03-13-2004, 05:18 PM   #14
still eats dirt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 3,031
Over 8 million people took to the streets in Madrid yesterday. That figure boggles the mind.
Spain stood with us throughout the Iraq war and we should show support for them now. If anyone would like to send a card to the Spanish Embassy here is the address.

Actually, I'm kind of wondering what we're thanking them for. What would the note read?

"Thank you for being bombed?"
"Thank you for having a terrorist attack so that we can be edgy and fearful again?"

How about sending "I'm sorry for your loss", instead? Standing behind us in a war and standing beside us after the September 11th attacks are two very different things.

And for that matter, I'd like to actually understand where people in the US are coming from on this: do you actually, honestly and truly feel sad for what happened over there? Does it honestly affect you that much? Everytime you see a flamed-out shell of an Isreali bus on the news, do you send a card and stand out in the street for them? I don't want to seem cold (and I know I probably do), but I really want to know if this affects people that much or if it is really just a put on. I'm so desensitized to this, thanks to 24-hour news, that I really don't feel much of anything from it except another, "Aw, shit, not again."
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