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Old 12-05-2010, 07:37 AM   #10
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by freshnesschronic View Post
I am a 2010 college graduate and I am SO discouraged with my job search, it almost hits me in my core.

I was supposed to hear a final answer back today from an interview I had Monday (they were looking to fill spot very soon) but it's well past business hours and have not heard anything.

I'm not expert on government, on anything really...I just hope those guys in the big offices create jobs for the college graduates who still have to live at home at work at the mall now...
I've been applying for any number of low-grade jobs since I got mine (Teaching Assistant). I've had one interview. For those who don't know, I have a job, but can't start until my enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check comes through; I have a normal CRB, but this is not adequate for staff, only volunteers.

So every week I go to the Job Centre, sign on, and prove I am actively seeking work. Some weeks I bother, and apply right left and centre. Some weeks I scramble around on Monday morning applying for anything available at the last minute before my appointment. It doesn't seem to make any difference. I've been passed over for retail work, bar work, waitressing etc. I think the only way I'd be successful is if I was still applying for work with children - but for obvious reasons it's the one field I'm avoiding. FTR - if I applied for a position similar to the one I've already been offered in another school I'd still have to wait for the same paperwork.

The whole thing is a waste of the Government's money, but it's a Government check I am waiting for.

But I guess I'm lucky to still be receiving benefits.
The hour or so I spend looking for work and attending the job centre is hardly worth the money I receive. But honestly, I'd rather apply for all the part-time work I see advertised and make my own way. It's just it's not worth it, knowing my "real" job will come through any day now, and I'll waste the time of anyone who employs me. And pretty much everyone offering part-time hours are small businesses. Still, who's to say I'd even get those jobs when I've been passed over for so many others!

Honestly, there's not a lot out there. And when people come on the radio (the bathroom radio is tuned into a talk station) and say "I'd do anything to work if I was unemployed!" I don't think they realise that their perceived sacrifice might not even be available. And if it is, it's only available for such limited hours a week that the main family breadwinner cannot possibly survive on it.

The right wing tabloids love to bleat on about scroungers and dolescum and benefits-Britain, but it's not all council house tenants with 13 children and immigrants in five bedroom houses. From my experience I assume there are many people genuinely looking for work that isn't there. People who were previously happy in office or factory work and are now at their wit's end.
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