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Old 03-14-2004, 09:12 AM   #28
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 96
It has been my observation and experience that most women want men to express our emotions, share our feelings, and tell them exactly what we are thinking...right up to the point when we say something that they don't want to hear. Then, we are undiplomatic, insensitive and rude. For their part, women tend to remain silent about a lot of the things that are going on in their heads, but that's okay - because if we truly cared, we men would know what they're thinking "without having to be told".

Most women would prefer to talk about a problem for six hours than solve it in five minutes. Nothing will piss off a woman faster than offering a possible solution to a problem that she has presented to you before she is ready to hear it.

Most women tend to be very understanding and forgiving when it comes to the more negative traits and tendencies most commonly seen in women (like the two mentioned above), but very unforgiving when it comes to the general tendencies - even the fairly benign ones - of men. Many women would seem to prefer that a man be simply a woman who happens to have a penis.
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