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Old 05-13-2006, 11:37 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
You just took the first step... it is hard, but you can do this.
Two BIG things. This is not going to be easy... this is a life decision, so if you don't want to change who you are, you are not ready.
Two... you are going to make mistakes, when you do, you have not failed. It was just something that happened at that moment and you will have to work that much harder.

However, if you ever plan for a mistake.... if you ever excuse a mistake, you are out of it and it is time to get help.

No diet will work. No plan with purchased food is good for anything but a jump-start which = another crutch you have to get rid of.

There is good, rich tasting food you can eat and enjoy, just not for the same reasons... your self image and reasons you eat more than to survive are about to have to change.

Some hard moments inside your head/in front of the mirror are about to happen & the harder they are the closer you get to being free... free from the cage of fat and lack of air/energy and free from the voice of hate and "can't" that you probably don't even hear any more because you act before hearing it.

Just know this, no matter what happens.
I am proud of you just for making that post, damn proud.
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