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Old 01-22-2003, 01:59 PM   #39
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 13

Nope, it's not about that. Not primarily, not even secondarily. Mostly, it's likely about Saddam taking a shot at W's daddy.
You're joking I think.

They did not get their weapons of mass destruction from the US. The US DID provide military aid during the Iran-Iraq war, but not WMD.
Although it's been widely known for ages that we gave Iraq both biological and chemical weapons during the Iran/Iraq war, after the post-9/11 anthrax scare, the fact was more or less officially acknowledged to the media, i.e.

The Observer on Antrhax

"Scientists investigating the attacks say the bacteria used is similar to the 'Ames strain' of anthrax originally cultivated at Iowa State University in the 1950s and later given to labs throughout the world, including Iraq." (And that's just from one of the first two links that come up in google when you type in "u.s. iraq anthrax".)

And if you want to go on a military crusade to rid the world of such weapons, start with North Korea. Or Pakistan. Or China for that matter... Oh wait, none of those places have oil fields. Never mind.
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