Thread: Body Language
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Old 05-04-2009, 04:35 PM   #7
Profitable Prophet
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 30
well, the thing is, how would I know: I mean he doesn't do it to other people when I'm there, but...

I think part of it for me is: would your average person find turning completely away (especially in public) a sign of disinterest. I mean, if I am being hypersensitive that is fine. I can live with that and still advocate for myself (needs and needs and they are pesonal, i get it).

But I found myself wondering if my presumption that such body language sent a pat message was off. This matters to me for two reasons

1. If it's something people frequently do to eachother and don't mean to send that message, then I am probably, across the board reading people wrong, presuming dismissal or rudeness not actually generally intended.

2. The subtle nuances of body language are just that: subtle. But if someone transcends from subtle (ie, averting eyes) to not subtle (ie. punching someone in the face) then we are in a different ballpark, generally with an already existing history of rewards and punishments. Obviously there is a big grey continuum surrounding this. But it's one thing to be dealing with a subtle body language issue that will be hard to address, another to say "look, stop punching people in the face. they think it means you don't like them" and not expect ...understanding.
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