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Old 09-27-2012, 09:23 AM   #44
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Originally Posted by richlevy View Post
That's right, Romney will even put it in writing....on his etch-a-sketch.

Seriously, he has flipped on more major issues than any other candidate I can remember. Mr. "I'm a moderate Republican" meets Mr. "I'm so conservative I only sleep on the right side of the bed". When he was pandering to the right in the primary, I was half expecting him to drop a dime to the INS on his household staff to make his right wing bones on immigration policy.
Yes, Romney has flipped on several issues, but Massachusetts is a VERY liberal state, and that's where he was governor.

If you're a pragmatic person, and you believe in states rights, you will be more liberal as it's governor. You aren't just running your own agenda, you're being a true statesman.

So what has Obama flipped on?

*deficit spending
*reforming immigration
*closing Guantanamo Bay prison
*securing our Southern border

Fortunately, your Chicago politician has brought his filthy Chicago style politics to Pennsylvania Ave, so every state that tries to limit fraudulent voting by requiring picture ID, gets taken to court by his Justice Dept.

And everyone on his "Enemy's List", gets turned over to one of the investigative arms of his office - usually the IRS.

And every GM car dealer that was closed, when GM got into financial problems and had to be saved by the fed's, was a Republican party donor, except one black dealer.

Despite the objection by his commerce department, he lent over half a million dollars to a big supporter, to open a solar energy plant. Now they're bankrupt, of course. I wonder if our gov't will get their money back ?? Our money.

He says he's going to cut taxes for the middle class. Well, he's not, and his many tax "cuts" so far, have been from merely extending the Bush tax cuts, which he keeps trying to chip away at.

His spending will require, sooner or later, a large increase in taxes, and cuts in services. That tends to be how Socialism works - it's great until the money runs out. Then you're screwed.

Obama has taken over $716 million out of senior care, to help fund Obama care. Since Obama care allows companies to get exemptions from it, and 90+% of our largest companies have requested an exemption, Obama care is going to cost a LOT more than we were told.

Of course.

When the fact checkers are giving Obama "4 Pinnoccio's" for his lies while campaigning, you know that:

1) He's lying, big time, and

2) He can't run on his record of achievements, because he doesn't have anything worth a damn.

Now if he can just get enough people on welfare, and get them to stop looking for a job, he'll get this high unemployment problem, fixed right up!

His EPA is right on the ball however. They wanted to ban plywood and oriented strand board (which is used to make just about every building in the country, and EVERY home), because the glue they use produces some volatile gases.

So what should we use to build with? EPA has no idea, and doesn't care. Any studies to show the way it's used is harmful? Nope. They just decided it was bad. Finally, had to be told to stop the nonsense when the recession hit the housing market so bad.

Now the EPA wants to have every puddle of water, treated like it's a lake or river, and require an environmental report, if a truck drives through the puddle of water. Any idea what an environmental impact report costs? You can kiss the timber industry good bye if this becomes law. They could never afford such nonsense.

But hey! We're the EPA, and we make the law, with no interference from anyone else except the President, hey hey!
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