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Old 12-01-2001, 02:41 PM   #21
Join Date: Apr 2001
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I think it's a lot more complicated than that. Think about it another way: people who are middle class just aren't going to do those repetitive and boring jobs any longer. So manufacturers have to look elsewhere for cheap labor. But if they couldn't find that labor overseas, they'd likely just automate, and now nobody gets those few dollars.
Most of the western world is +70% secondary and in some cases nearly 50% teridatory economices - thats services and manufacturing. Automation is not viable for allot of things, its simply far too expensive - whether thsoe goods were made by machine here or not they'd still cost one hell of alot more if they didn't use dirt/slavery cheap labour in third world countries. As much of Asia does develop its going ot create an interesting vacuum as these companies such as Nike, Boeing and manymany other smaller companies have to find new labour markets to exploit.

I never said/meant to say evilevil first world nations were purposely keeping counties in poverty, although there are cases...All I stated was that third world labour markets allow for a higher quality of life in the west - nothing else.
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