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Old 05-29-2016, 11:00 PM   #1
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
May 30th, 2016: Memorial Day

Ah, Memorial Day, three day weekend, the unofficial start of Summer, the Indy 500, BBQs and beer… and something else…
Oh yes, to honor the millions of men and women who died in the US military and are buried around the world… or just disappeared.

Along with parades, bands, and Girl Scouts with flowers, you’ll hear a lot of speeches using brave, courageous, valiant, but that’s
rah rah bullshit. Human nature tells us some were brave, some shitting their pants, but I suspect most were numb, doing their job,
what they were trained to, as best they could, hoping for the best.

Why they went into the military was an individual thing,
~Son, the bailiff is going to take you to the recruiter, or the County jail, your choice.
~It’s the only way I’m getting out of this jerkwater town, and impress the hell out of Cindy Lou.
~I might as well sign up, it maybe a better deal than if they draft me.
~The Military will teach me a trade, send me to school.

All the way to…
~I’m gonna murder those dirty bastards.
~Me and God will show them they can’t mess with the USA.
~I’ll teach them Johnny-Rebs/Yankees/Huns/Nazis/Japs/Commies/Rag Heads/terrorists/ a lesson.

Unfortunately a lot of those men and women who were sent on the follies of politicians, never to enjoy the fruits of their sacrifice.
So on Memorial day most Americans thank them by enjoying those fruits.
But you know what, that just may be the most truly sincere thank you.

The ones who did come home, like my Dad,

we honor on Friday November 11th, Veterans Day, even if they came home without legs, arms, eyes, or the will to live.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
xoxoxoBruce is offline   Reply With Quote