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Old 01-16-2004, 11:22 AM   #16
Management Consultant
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 165
I can't stand it. In college any time it was around I'd try to get baked to figure out what all the excitement was about. I never found the answer.

I've even tried a few other "recreational drugs" in my past... never in abundance though. And as much as people preach "they don't have any long term effects! You're totally back to normal the next day!!" I've not found that to be true. And it's not that I notice I'm slowed mentally after a 'party' weekend... it's that after I've been clean for months in a row I can tell how much sharper I am.

Which has led me to the final conclusion...

It's just not worth it. The headache from trying to buy the stuff, worrying about if you ever get tested, and then worrying about if it's slowing you down...


Not worth the stress.
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