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Old 05-28-2003, 04:39 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Indy
Posts: 93
Tax Cut and it's impact on the economy

From everything I'm reading, it looks like a 1/2 point bump in the GDP over the next six months to a year. So the "more money in our pockets" thing is kinda nice, and if you have kids, you could be getting a mail in rebate :p around $400 per kid (allow six to eight weeks for delivery). Also the cap gains reduction will be good if you actually have much invested.

So the highest bracket is going to get the most releif, which they should, they pay the most in taxes (in dollars, not in percentage of income), but supply side is as good as anything else on the table, and taking money away from the government in any way shape or form is a good thing.

In the short term (next 12 months or so), this is going to help. It *might* provide enough relief for the general public until we start seeing real growth in q3 this year, and some net gains in hiring in q2 next year. Yeah, I think it will take that long (and no, I'm not an oracle (economist) by trade).

Bleh . . . in any case, I'm just glad to get some more money away from big brother, erm uncle sam. Maybe I'll buy some more gummi worms with my share, or laughy taffy . . .
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