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Old 11-17-2011, 06:10 AM   #114
tri-continental dag hag
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 247
Got an email from the ex-owner today:

Hello Sandy -I'm terribly sorry to disasppoint the many folk who came up with weird and wonderful explanations of Elissa's stones! But I have no idea why the bucket was buried; as far as I knew they were either stored in the old bathtub in the stables, or the woodshed. I took a few buckets with me; these ones I missed somehow. Elissa is quite a well adjusted person who happens to love painting. It all started with a few faces that I painted for fun; then Ellisa copied and became quite involved with family groups and different nationalities etc. She was about 13 years old when she began painting them. (We used to do all sorts of crafty things; I recall she also cut out masses of people from paper and painted them! I still have a bundle.) Apart from all these activities she was a keen horse rider and sports person, also studied the piano and dance so she was quite "normal"! I forwarded your email on to her and she was amazed at the response.
you're never too old to have a happy childhood
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