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Old 11-23-2011, 06:39 PM   #229
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Gingrich said in the Republican debate Tuesday night.
"I'm prepared to take the heat for saying let's be humane in enforcing the law."

And so it begins....

Associated Press
Charles Babington
Nov 23, 2011
Gingrich risk: Will the GOP cast its lot with him?

"Illegal immigration is Newt's acid test," Scala said,
and tea party conservatives might be "having second thoughts today.
Let's see if he can keep them on board."

"Newt Gingrich is finished!" said William Gheen, president of the anti-immigration group ALIPAC.

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, one of Congress' most outspoken conservatives,
said Gingrich's prescription "is a form of amnesty" that "makes it harder" to consider endorsing him.

Romney offered Gingrich no wiggle room.
While campaigning in Iowa, he said, "People who have come to the country illegally
should not have a special pathway that is preferable to those that
stand in line in their home countries to come to this country."

Romney said Gingrich's plan would not stand scrutiny.
"How about someone who's been here 20 years, how about 12 years, about 10, five, three?"
he said. "How many children do you have to have to apply to this principle?"

"If 2012 were an ordinary election year, Gingrich would be doomed
by his gaffes, three marriages and fleeting alliances with Hillary Clinton on health care
and Nancy Pelosi on global warming," columnist Fred Barnes wrote in the Weekly Standard.
But Republicans are obsessed with ousting President Barack Obama, he said.

"And if that means choosing a candidate with a lurid past and a penchant for self-destruction,"
Barnes said, then Republicans "are likely to swallow hard and nominate Gingrich."
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