Thread: Less is More
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Old 07-01-2004, 12:12 PM   #110
Hubris Boy
Keymaster of Gozer
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Patapsco Drainage Basin
Posts: 471

After creating an original and compelling thread, one is always gratified to see a spirited response from the community for which it was intended.

Of course, only the Giants<sup>&trade;</sup> among us will understand what I'm talking about; most of the Tards<sup>&trade;</sup> will never be able to experience the sensation. Sad, really.

Originally posted by marichiko
Sometimes brevity is the soul of wit.
How would you know?

Originally posted by ladysycamore
You also said that there is a time and a place for everything.
Where did I say that?

For some things, there's NEVER a time or place.

Three-quarters of the responses in this thread have been people chattering about what HB said. Problem is, HB didn't say most of the things that people are complaining about. Most of the Tards<sup>&trade;</sup> who have responded in this thread aren't interested in addressing the point I was trying to make; they're just offended that somebody might dare take them to task for posting crap.

Well ya know what? To hell with them, and all the rest of the Lowest Common Denominator. They're the same people who are to blame for 'reality TV,' Ebonics, and warning labels that read "Do not use toaster in or around a bathtub."

The law says that I have to send my kids to school with their kids. And I have to sit next to them in restaurants. That's okay. But I don't have to tolerate their behavior here, and I won't. So if I see Tards<sup>&trade;</sup> drawing a mustache on our copy of "The Flaying of Marsysas," or tethering a goat in the flower bed next to Current Events, or trying to leave their '75 Gremlin up on blocks in front of Home Base, I'm gonna call 'em on it.

This shit has been going on -and getting worse- for over a year. Enough.

Originally posted by ladysycamore
And now I see that you are going to just poof go away and not try to turn the ship 'round.
This ain't a chatroom, you know. I'll respond when I have a chance. If that's not quick enough for you, too bad. Deal with it. I don't have as much free time as... some people.

Originally posted by lumberjim
i post a response like a quip or a pun, and for the most part, that does not have any real worth. yet, if i was standing in a room talking to you folks, thats what i would say.
That's just it: YOU'RE NOT standing in a room talking to folks.

If I were sitting on a toilet, I'd probably take a shit. But if I'm sitting in a crowded theater, I probably won't. You really oughta learn to be more aware of your surroundings.

Originally posted by lumberjim
it wouldnt even bother me if he had pointed to a particular instance of ;chaffing; and said, " hey, put some freaking thought into a post before you post it" or even saying to one person in particular that they are chatting too much. but to comment on the general malaise he feels and in a way that creates apprehension in some users to post at all for fear of being talked down to.....?
I kept it as general as possible precisely to avoid pointing fingers at specific people.

But since you bring it up, Jim... you -and a few others- post too damn much, and much of what you post isn't very interesting. So I'd appreciate it if you'd rein it in a little.

There. Is that a more acceptable way of dealing with chaff?

Originally posted by lumberjim
HubrisBoy, you have a point. you also have a standing offer of a user based forum.
Really?!? Wow. That's mighty generous of you, Jim. But I think I prefer to impose my own outdated standards on the community as a whole. But you also have a standing offer to download AOL Instant Messenger, and ROFL with others unimpeded. I think people would respect that. I know I would.

Originally posted by be-bop
W T F.all these so called Giants of the board having Hissy Fits Hubris Boy, Dagney Jag all throwing the toy's out the pram stomping off in a fit of pique. Whats wrong with a bit of levity? now and again even in a serious post a smart or funny comment can enhance the argument or position you are trying to put across.
Huh? Where the hell did that come from? Please show me where I suggested that there's anything wrong with humor. Heck, I've even been known to inject a little humor into my own posts from time to time.

Important safety tip: Read first, then respond.

Originally posted by lumberjim
Just in case you wanted to know, here are ALL of HB's posts for 2004
Yep. Ain't much there. I tend not to post when I don't have anything to say. You should try it.
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