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Old 06-29-2013, 06:26 AM   #10
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
Posts: 31,423
Bringing back the age references I noticed in the last year:

-- he references a bit from "Laugh-In", running 1968-1973. It's a regular bit on the show, but in order to place it in the context of humor in the thread, and have it at the ready in his brain, he would probably have to be at least age 13 during the highest popularity of the show, placing his likely birth in 1957 or previous.

-- he easily whips out the lyrics of a Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds #4 single from 1971, that had absolutely no radio airing after about 1975. This puts him solidly in his fifties, possibly early fifties.

-- this [Mad magazine bit he remembered] is now #2 on g00gle for the first two lines of what sexobon has written. I consumed Mad magazine ravenously as a youngster and I don't recall this. But the #1 g00gle result estimates it as Mad 1966. To be old enough to remember the reference "when I was a kid" means sexobon was probably born between 1951-1958.

-- he still believes that voting is an honor to Democracy, greater than the various ways Democracy has been shat upon by the powers that be. That means he still follows the ideals of the Greatest Generation and so was probably parented by them. He does not contain the cynicism of Gen X and later. He's a Boomer.
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