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Old 04-05-2004, 03:36 PM   #40
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: New England
Posts: 104
Originally posted by Marichiko
To me this has been such an obvious subtext to what is going on. Now that white collar jobs are beginning to go, people are finally starting to feel concerned.
You make a pretty good point here. I felt concerned when I heard that a lot of steel workers and even factory workers in my area where being laid off, but honestly, the feeling was subdued by the fact that it didn't effect me very much. This outsourcing issue really concerns me because it has a direct impact on my future as well as other people I know working in fields such as programming and IT. It bothers me that I'm currently working hard in school and facing the prospect that my once prosperous field may one day be very difficult to hold or even find a job in.

The last few comments have done a pretty good job of showing me something pretty common in human nature: We generally don't care unless it effects us directly. Sad but true.

But maybe the impact won't be as bad as I thought. Looks like to get a job in the technology field of the future you will truly have to stand out from our technology workers overseas. All people not cut out for the field will fade away and the best will be left. Hopefully business people will see the trend. Too bad I can't say the same about our fellow Americans formerly working in the manufacturing industry.
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