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Old 09-18-2012, 06:53 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
The Real Mitt Romney

Since I live in San Diego, this is something that caught my ear.

In 2007 we had a SECOND round of bad wildfires sweep through the (mostly) eastern part of the county. Hundreds of homes were lost, as the fire was pushed by strong, hot winds off the desert (what we call "Santa Anna" winds), which blew at up to 60 mph. Several people were killed, and many pets and farm animals lost, as well.

The fire followed the winds, the fuel, and the canyons. Eventually, we had fires in the North, East, and West, and another large one in the Southern part of the county. Major highways like I-15 were seared by the flying, burning, embers. Some had to be closed.

Romney has a home in San Diego county, and he knew someone had been caught up in the fire area. Romney's son, called him up and asked what they could do to help.

Fortunately, the man's home had lost it's fence and a large tree, but escaped most other damage. There was a large stump still left in the yard from the burnt tree, however.

Next day, the Romney "group", including Mitt, were out digging a huge hole in the guy's yard, so the stump could be removed. Mitt, working a shovel, down in the hole. No press, no camera's, no blog about it, that I'm aware of.

That's Mitt, and the values he's passed onto his family.

The Real Obama? His half-brother lives in dire poverty, in Kenya, and has received no help whatsoever.

Romney has done a lot of these personal gestures to help others, far from the spotlight.

Last edited by Adak; 09-18-2012 at 06:58 PM.
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