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Old 06-08-2010, 01:21 PM   #57
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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The amount of land GIVEN should've been zero. We should've let the Arabs and the Jews fight over the land, if that's where they wished to have the land. If they could muster up enough military might to topple the Arabs, even in a small area... good for them. At least it would've been earned, at least it would've been won, in accordance to war protocol.
But you don't believe that. They effectively did fight over the land in 1948. The fact that it was partitioned was just the final straw. You ignore Israel's war of independence for convenience.

And war protocol, you're freely bullshitting again. When Hamas launches rockets, admit it, you come in your shorts. There's nothing protocol about any of Israel's adversaries' war actions. You haven't mentioned their clear and obvious human rights violations any by the way neither does the guilt-ridden European press or UN members.

You know, Hamas kills more Palestinians with Hamas rockets than they do Israelis. They aren't exactly rocket scientists, and not only do some of the bombs land in Gaza, they routinely suffer "work accidents" where explosives detonate while they're working on them.

Relevant to you? Or can Hamas do whatever it likes as long as its charter is Judenrein?

It is Arab land, surrounded by Arab land. It was not won, it was (for all intents and purposes) stolen.
Not exactly a "student" of history...

The Ottomans, who were Turks and not Arabs, captured it in 1512 and held it for 4 centuries. They started the Jewish trend to emigrate there, by inviting them to do so during the Spanish Inquisition. (The Jews who did were not given any flack, due to worldwide guilt over the Inquisition.)

The land was then captured in WW1, assigned to the Brits by the mandate of the League of Nations in 1917 with the express direction that a Jewish state be established there. The mandate in fact read
Originally Posted by league of nations, 1917
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people
So: not Arab land since 1512. Mandated by the rest of the world to be the Jewish state two decades before WW2. The More You Know.

It's getting close to a million Arabs having been displaced, due to the Israeli-Arab conflict. Now, this is not through choice of their own,
Now here's another bit of history you were not aware of. After the Israeli war for independence, the surrounding Arab countries persecuted their Jewish minorities harder, many of them actually kicking out their Jews directly, while others just made life hard for them.

Kicked out of the Arab countries, these Jews emigrated to Israel during the 50s and 60s. They and their descendants represent 41% of the population of Israel. That's about 3 million people.

Ironically, these Jews would not be allowed return to their "home countries"; were you aware? And they didn't come from Germany and Poland, where you and Helen Thomas say they should "return" to.

What's more, they then intercept every vessel sent to provide aid to these hundreds of thousands of refugees.
The Gazans are not refugees. They are Gazans living in their Gazan homes.

The vessels are not there to provide aid. They are there to challenge an embargo that prevents Hamas from easily rearming itself and killing more Palestinians. Every aid vessel is told to land in Israel where the boats are unloaded and the aid materials sent to Gaza after being searched for contraband.

Do you know what is happening with the aid sent on the controversial flotilla of two weeks ago? It's sitting in a warehouse in Israel, because Hamas refuses to allow it to be delivered to Gaza. That tells you all you need to know: to Hamas, the PR is more important than the AID.
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