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Old 10-29-2010, 07:52 AM   #6057
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I'm back.

I have a job.
Yes, I'm now an employed Teaching Asisstant at the wonderful school I was volunteering at.
I can't start until I get my Enhanced CRB check back (booooo) and wouldn't you know, my stupid photo driving license was set to expire 31/10/10. So I've sent that off (£25! Aargh!) and hope to get it back ASAP. They can't legally employ me until I am cleared, so I have to continue "Job Seeking" until then, as unless I can prove I am looking for work I am not entitles to any benefits. Fair enough, but it is a silly pretence after all.

It's only 20 hours a week, so sometime this side of Christmas I'm going to be looking for additional work to bump up my wages. The good news being that once I come off benefits, I can work when and where I want and earn money. When on benefits, I couldn't earn anything extra.

I'm going to be working with a named child who has social and communication difficulties. It's not 100% my ideal job (which would be as classroom support, and full-time) but I honestly expect to enjoy it, and it's wpnderful to be considered worthy of employment in a place which I respect, and who have seen me work.

Expect to hear a lot about the school and what I do - obviously without including any names or personal details. But at least I'll be able to tell you about school events without feeling like I'm a silly obsessed woman acting like she is a part of something she isn't
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