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Old 09-26-2001, 06:23 PM   #2
Expectorant Inspector
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 31
Dark City - probably my all time favourite film. It's beautifully dark, and represents an amazing little microcosm of the entire human race. People complain about the holes in the narrative, but that's what makes it work. You get sucked into the confused, amnesiac world of John Murdoch and the Strangers, and it just doesn't let me go.

The Matrix - Just a great film. The concept, the visuals, the story, Lawrence Fishburne (legend), cars driving on the wrong side of the road in Sydney. It's just a fantastic film and I can't wait for the sequels. Finally, Keanu Reeves' constant confused look actually looks right in one of his movies.

Fight Club - Visually brilliant. The ultimate designer's movie. Awesome storyline that mutates and contorts into something incredible from the beginning to end, and inspirational and life-changing as well

Resovoir Dogs - a great look at the world of crime. Great characters, with awesome script and direction from Tarantino. Some of the world's best actors in it, too.

Dogma - yeah, Kevin Smith's others are great, too, but this is my favourite. It would be nice if Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back actually came out in Australia some time in the next two hundred years, because I'm sick of hearing Americans and Canadians rant about how good it is. Dogma's great because it's such a fantasy film. I have a lot of interest in religious mythology and Apocalyptic concepts, and this was funny as well. Of course God has a sense of humour - just look at the platypus."

Akira - Awesome animation and storyline. I've heard that the original version is 4 hours long and has a rather different storyline to the one that got general release, but I don't know much about it. Nevertheless, it is a purely amazing film that sucks me in and traps me in it's little universe.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - I'm not sure why I love this film so much. It's mainly because it's so funny, but there's more to it than that. Just brilliant, really.

Others include Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, Star Wars (all of them), Spaceballs, 2001 a Space Odysee, American Beauty, Outbreak, and others that I can't remember right now. As you can probably tell, I'm a bit of a sci-fi fan, but there's other stuff I like as well.
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