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Old 11-16-2002, 07:30 PM   #62
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Hermit 22

-The DLC, which was the political movement inside the Democratic party (note the capital; if you're going to refer to a popular name, at least try to use some respect - but more on that later) that placed the current leadership in power, is decidedly centrist.
<B>Daschle backed tax cuts for the wealthy</B>
Yes, he did back the tax cuts, but only after holding it up for some time, apparently hoping to have some leverage in getting a deal for "displaced workers". By the time he signed it had support from all but the MOST leftwing Senators, a short list he would not have wanted to be on. So, I wouldnt be upset with him if I were you. He held up the vote as long as public opinion would allow, then cut a deal for the left.

The only other comment I have is that the wealthy PAY most of the taxes and I believe they should get some of it back. I know we disagree here but I think it's worh saying. I dont want to go into this today, but here are some numbers and references for a possible debate at another time.

Only The Rich Pay Taxes

Top 50% of Wage Earners Pay 96.09% of Income Taxes

<B>and, eventually, the war on Iraq. </B>

I think this was just another game he was playing, trying to make W look bad (which he doesnt NEED help). If you remember that little rant on TV with Daschle saying something like "how dare you politicize the war Mr presedent" you will see that he was doing the same thing trying to obstruct support for the war. I'm not saying he was wrong, thats his job to vote his convictions. But as we look back we see that he was just "politicizing the war" which was exactly what he was bashing Bush for. He did all he could to stop the vote from happening and having the majority PASS the res, because there was an <B>election</B> coming up and he had to keep the people from endorsing Bush via going after Saddam. After all the BS stopped and the resolution came to a vote, it passed overwhelmingly in the House and the Senate. A large number of Dems even voted for it.

<B>As a denizen of the American Left, I can say it was furious about the first and split on the second (leaning against it)</B>

<B>I will say in total honestly that your opinion has forced me to look very carefully at the decision to go after Iraq. I am still leaning for going , but with much less resolve.</B>

There are still many unanswered questions.

The last comment was answering Sycamore's question.

I am VERY slow at the keyboard, and often can find supprting links etc. I have many things to say about the possibilty of OKC/Iraq connection. I'm not going to charge right into the forum and say there is a smoking gun, but there are some very basic questions that need to be answered. I havent forgotten, I'm answering your other comments first.
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