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Old 06-14-2016, 07:20 AM   #3
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Sadly, cultural xenophobia has been a part of humanity since there's been anything we can currently call "humanity". Tribes in the distant past learned to make war long before they invented writing, crop cultivation, or "national" identities. Individual humans, of course, vary widely...but in general, there will ALWAYS be a group of people with something in common who are held in contempt and hatred by those around them.

After thousands of years of this, we need to GET OVER what other people do with their baby-makin' bits when only consenting adults are involved. If we MUST spew hatred and violence, we need a more deserving target--wouldn't it be nice if that level of commitment to horrors and tragedy could be aimed at, say, adults who harm children? Warmongers? Weapons suppliers? There are SO MANY hate-worthy descriptions that do not include skin color, national origin, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. SO MANY, you guys.
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