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Old 02-07-2004, 07:10 PM   #45
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Reardan, Washington
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concepts for schools

How about teaching this in schools:

There are these two concepts known as creationism and evolutionism.

Creationism is not backed by what is known as empirical data. Creationism is based on beliefs passed down through generations. These beliefs, in general, tend to keep order in the lives of many millions of people around the world and may likely contribute greatly to the prevention of mass chaos. The study of how these beliefs affect the behaviors of the world populace is interesting and forms a large body of work which you may someday choose to study.

Evolutionism contains many theories that have been shown to have validity in the minds of millions of people around the world. Evolutionists have what is called empirical data to show the validity of various theories. Evolutionists are, in general, comfortable with their data and the explanations it provides them. In this comfort, they, too, may have the ability to avoid chaotic behaviors. Evolutionism possesses many large bodies of work known as the sciences any one of which you may someday choose to study.

After the above has created numerous discussions in class, put this quote up on the board and ask for explanations of its meaning (this will definitely make the room quiet for a while):

“The fact that astronomies change while the stars abide is a true analogy of every realm of human life and thought, religion not least of all. No existent theology can be a final formulation of a spiritual truth.” ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick, clergyman and author.

If this truly is the land of free will that contributes to the common good, shouldn’t everyone be given choices as long as they do no harm to the common good?
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