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Old 01-27-2007, 01:46 PM   #176
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Kingdom of Atlantia
Posts: 2,979
The infamous necklace conversation

Here is the discussion on IM about the necklace. Edited for names, text color changed for emphasis.

Mom says: you're drawing that stuff to you and then wondering why you're having a hard time with things
Boy says: like that matters i dont beleve in any of it Mom says: well you should, because its real, not just in a christian god and devil sense, but in a wiccan/pagan sense as well. you run around with a pagan star on, but dont believe it? that makes you a hypocrite
Boy says: i dont run round with a pagen star on
Mom says: your necklace, gimboid
Boy says: its a star made out of paper clips
Mom says: it's a pagan star.
Boy says: mm k, is that bad
Mom says: dont mmkay me, it's not bad if you know how to use it but you shouldn't be wearing it if you don't know what it is or how to use it
Boy says: hmmm
Mom says: that star identifies you as a pagan, just like a cross identifies you as a christian.
Boy says: mmm well i dont know right now right now im dont care
Mom says: then take it off, because i care
Boy says: u want me to take off my star
Mom says: if you dont care about it, dont care what it represents, dont know what it's for, then yeah, i want you to take it off
Boy says: well i like it so im guna keep it
Mom says: i dont care if you keep it, just dont wear it. OR if you want to wear it then make an effort to find out what is stands for, what it's used for, and how to use it. until that time, dont wear it
Boy says: well i did look it up i got web sight on my favorits and i dont get it and im not guna and so im nut guna read more on it
Mom says: then dont wear it
Boy says: im guna its part of the nekless im guna keep it on till it falls off or (Miss Thang) takes it to chang it
Mom says: take it off or learn what it's for. those are your options.
Boy says: so what if i dont do ither
Mom says: then I will take it off you when I get home and take it. dont push this. I'm serious.
Boy says: so am i i want to keep it and when i feal it nessisary to look in on it i will
Mom says: then take off the necklace until then.
Boy says: sorry but no (Miss Thang) gave it to me (Miss Thang) takes it form she she changes it and she will when she wants to
Mom says: let me put it to you this way. there is no arguement here. if i see it on you i will snatch the shit off. I will not tolerate arguement here. if you wont learn what it's for, you wont wear it. period.
Boy says: im not arguing im saying im not taking it off, dont know y u so mad about it u have yet to have a problem with it till now
Mom says: because I thought you knew what it was for. it never occured to me you'd be wearing a religious symbol and not know what it is
Boy says: well i am and ill look in to it when im ready cus at this point in my life god and all that junk ant on my top 10 things to do in my life. and u should know this i have told u more then 1 one time so i ant taking it off i like it were it is and i like it even more cus (Miss Thang) gaveit to me and it is somthingdear and near to her and so it means even more ot me
Mom says: I am telling you. Take it off or I will. This is one I will not back down from.
Boy says: ok
Mom says: I will giveyou alot of room to do your thing, son, but this is not one of those things. I understand (Miss Thang) gave it to you, and I understand (Miss Thang) knows what it is for but you don't. and she shouldn't have given to you without teaching you what it is, what it represents and how to use it. that was wrong of her.
Boy says: well u can takw it i know how to make it again
Mom says: I dont care if you have it, keep it in your pocket if you want.You will not display it.
Boy says: u take it i make a nother and replace it
Mom says: I don't want to take it.
Boy says: so dont
Mom says: I just don't want you wearing it. Your attitude is seriously pissing me off. This is your only warning.
Boy says: i didnt know i had a attitude i dont know y u think i do cus im actualy happy and all cheer. im sorry didnt mean to but im not taking it off
Mom says: then I'll take it off you.
Boy says: ok ill just make more to replace it
Mom says: *shrugs* as long as I don't see it on you, I dont' care.
Boy says: well u might cus i run round with my shirt off all the time
Mom says: in addition, I consider this an act of defiance.
Boy says: ok
Boy says: well it kinda is u telling me to do somthing and im telling u no so it is

Mom says: ok. I suggest you walk to the store and make arrangements for someplace to sleep. you will not defy me and live in my house. not going to happen.
Boy says: ok
Mom says: i will not tolerate disrespect.
Boy says: i know
Mom says: so you choose to move out.
Boy says: if u dont want me to defi u and i cant live here if i do then i cant do what i want how i wnat it i cant wear what i wnat how i want

Mom says: ok. pack your shit, leave your key on the counter. computer stays with me
Boy says: can i come back in a few weeks to get the rest of my stuff
Mom says: nope no coming back. you leave me, you leave for good
Boy says: nope so icant come get my close dad got me
Mom says: better pack a big bag.
Boy says: mm k
Now, at the same time, the following conversation was happening in his other IM window with Miss Thang:

Boy: mom is bitching about teh star on the nekless
Pretty: ? why?
Boy: says i should studdy it or take it off
Pretty: umm no becuas eit's mine. and you're wearing it as a representation of me. and if she has a problem with it she can take it up with me whenever I come back over. and I'll tell her what I tell every one else. it's mine. my choice. I'm not makeing you wear it
Boy: Boy says: sorry but no (Miss Thang) gave it to me (Miss Thang) takes it form she she changes it and she will when she wants to
Pretty: that's really confusing
Boy: she telling me to take it off thats what i told her
Pretty: I know. but you're statement was confusing.
Boy: mm
Pretty: like...(Miss Thang) takes it form she she changes it and she will when she wants to. that part
Boy: mmm
....6 minutes later....

Boy: moms bithcign at me its kinda fun
Pretty: what about?
Boy: let me vent
Pretty: what about?
Boy: the star
Pretty: what about now?
Pretty: *about it*
Boy: same thing i dont know what it reperesenc so i should not display it
Pretty: I do and you're wearing it as a representation of me. I give gifts to my friends and they have no clue what parts of them are. cus it's somethign incorporating a protection rune or sigil. they just know it looks cool and wear it like I tell them to. or keep it where I tell them to. black is the color of the crone, the color of supposedly death. but I don't think so. it's the color of abscence and secrecy. but becuase it's tied to teh crone I tie it also to wisdom. old wisdom.
Boy: hmmm
Pretty: this why I have it as part of the twining. silver is the feminine color. the pentegram can be considered a representation of the five elements. becuase it is tied to the base of our world the combination of it and the black and the silver to me represent a tie to the base of our world. and it represents I'm showing a want for the base wisdom, the stuff that really matters. the stuff you learn the hard way and through life. if you let it teach you. so I skimped a little bit when I told you it was my reprisentation of my body and the physical relm. that's another aspect of it's being there
Boy: hmm i got to go hon
Pretty: but not th emajor one
Pretty: okay baby
As I said, all I wanted him to do was take it off UNTIL he could tell me what it meant. His girlfriend was FEEDING him the information, in pretty simplied terms. All he had to do was so, ok Mom, I'll take it off and when I tell you what it means, can I put it back on? Yes. Problem solved.

Again, this was the last straw in a very long list of smaller defiances that I had warned him about but didn't take (what I consider) action on. I told him time and time again, and I'm not the only one, mind you. My best friend (who the kids consdered an aunt) and my husband and my mother ALL tried to tell him before it got to this point, Dude, just hang in 6 more months.

Hopefully now we can stop focusing on the necklace and actually get to the main reason I wrote all this stuff in the first place.... what now?

He is aware I'm not after his kid. He's also aware that he's deeply hurt me with the emails he sent. He's also never apologized for any of his actions, and still insists on foisting all of the responsibility for his decisions (not only the ones forcing him to move to Dave's but also the ones since he's been down there and I've had absolutely nothing to do with) off on me.

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt.

"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
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