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Old 04-16-2006, 09:09 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Griff
I think going pre-emptive and/or nuclear on them really does make us the Nazis to the Moslem on the street. So how do we handle them? Yes George has completely blown it so far, but where do we go from here?
Don't forget for one minute why all this occurred. Forces in Iran that were opposed to nuclear weapons development - a force that was growing and therefore opposed to right wing mullahs - was completely undermined by George Jr in 2001 and finally subverted in his 2002 State of the Union address. Now even Rafanjani advocates Iranian WMD. We have made the world that unstable.

All this due to a George Jr who sees enemies everywhere - who advocated preemption - whose solution is always in big dic thinking - military solutions. Now that Iran must build WMDs to defend itself, we should continue preemption? We should disparage the well proven policy of containment? Such problems were repeatedly eliminated when containment was the policy.

Until Iran is considered a threat to its neighbors, then Iran can never be a threat to the US. Furthermore, how long before they can even start making a bomb? Many years. Many years. We still have time to defuse the situation. But those efforts that could - Europe, UN - their agenda is subverted by George Jr's outright endorsement of 'Peral Harbor' diplomacy.

I fear war is inevitable due to neo-con mentality of enemies everywhere - where none exist. IOW too many Americans never learned the lessions of Vietnam - and are doomed to repeat the mistakes of history. What I have posted here should have been obvious to every American four years ago.

When diplomacy fails, then war is inevitiable. Goes right to the obvous purpose of war. Using a George Jr mentality, war is inevitable. Worse, George Jr regards nuclear weapons as only tactical devices. Not for one minute should anyone make that dangerous assumption.

Iran is only proclaiming threats - just like N Korea - just like Saddam - to make themselves look stronger than they really are. Like a bird who expands feathers to look menacing, these countries are bluffing. But if we respond with even more threats, those bluffs will only become real - kill more American and make Americans even less popular even with our allies. Exactlly what 'big dic' diplomacy does.

A worst strategy has been implemented. George Jr may have made war inevitable. If true, then what does this author - an accused liberal - advocate? Nuking Tehran. If one goes to war, then a strategic objective demands total and unconditional surrender. Nothing less is acceptable if you are a patriotic Amerian. If one advocates war, one better have a strategy to win it. Nuking centers of power is the only way such a war can be won - since we don't have conventional forces sufficient to conduct such as war. This because the president has already seriously undermined the US military - that still has not even won the Afghanistan war nor captured bin Laden.

If you think war is inevitiable, then be ready for the next step - US must nuke Iranian power centers. That means nuking cities. And that is what George Jr propaganda is preparing you to accept. Don't fool yourself. And don't forget the need for a draft. Going to war must be final - a strategic objective. If you are not ready to be as god damn hard nose brutal as I am, then you are not yet ready for war - you have not yet thought out the consequences.
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