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Old 09-27-2012, 06:13 PM   #78
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Better. Still having some mild soreness when I touch or move my septum, like an old bruise. I can't pick my nose normally yet.

Also, I still have this lingering numb spot in the roof of my mouth right behind my front teeth, which I believe is where an intubator was pressing and cutting off circulation for a total of about 6 hours. Or possibly it was the machinery for the stomach pumping they did on the second and third procedures. Whatever it was, the numbness is very slowly fading, and I'm told it will probably be back to normal eventually but it will take several months.

I have stopped snoring according to Mr. Clod, but I wouldn't say I feel more rested because of it. Then again, I am not really giving sleep a fair chance right now, as has been mentioned elsewhere.

Currently, I'm indifferent. There are some undeniable benefits, but I don't think I'd do it again if you asked me right now. I can breathe better, but is it that much better? Maybe when I can pick my nose good and proper, I'll feel differently. I also feel, very subtly, that my voice has changed now that my sinuses resonate differently. Nothing anyone else would notice, but I feel it, especially when I sing. I feel... kind of betrayed by this, I guess. It's still fine and all, but the sound of my voice is important to me, and I don't like the idea that it's permanently changed because of this.
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