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Old 01-14-2014, 02:43 AM   #9653
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Mum's seriously considering having Mia put down.
Because she's being annoying.

On one level I am very upset by this, disappointed in her and quietly horrified.
But when I think it through, I can understand her decision and how she's approaching it. Quality of life is important, and Mum feels hers is being very much compromised by the cat. She hasn't slept in her own bed for the best part of two years now. She finds Mia's constant miaowing very difficult to deal with, and she is slowly being driven mad by the fact that Mia will no longer stay in their room during the day, but needs to be in the living room (this is a problem because of Diz -he can't stay shut up in my room 24-7 and he can't get on with Mia).

Mum says Mia has dementia (hmmmm).
She's certainly deaf and does behave quite erratically. She walks into things and falls over sideways on occasion, although the vet says this is probably due to her loss of hearing as he can't find anything else wrong.

See the thing is, Mum feels she has too much to deal with at present, and she can't cope. Taking an old cat out of the equation might just improve her life a little, and surely my Mum's life is more important than that of a 19 year old cat?
And after all there is a slight chance Mum might just tip over the edge and really hurt her one day; humans can fight back and a wallop is preferable to euthanasia, but cats are too fragile to take abuse and perhaps a nice quiet slip into sleep is better than being kicked out of the way once too often.

I don't know.
I just don't know.
It's not my decision and it's not up to me to judge.

Oh and Uncle Ted died.
Which is upsetting, but not unexpected.
He's quite a bit older than Dad and has been in a nursing home for a few months now. He didn't know anyone or anything in the last few weeks.

The funeral is 28 January, off to Peckham Rye.
It's at the same Crem as Uncle Charlie and Dad's parents.
I might be the only representative of this branch of Robinson children.
I hope not - I think Ste should take a day off just because it would mean so much to Mum. Dad wouldn't necessarily notice, but another person would be a real help with getting him on and off public transport.
Although hopefully Laura won't come. Mean of me, but it's how I feel. It's not likely anyway, she had always judged family on how they treat her children and Ted was just too old and lived too far away to be involved in her kids' lives.

ETA I didn't mean to put my Uncle's actual death below the potential death of a family pet, it was just what was on the top of my mind when I started writing.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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