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Old 07-03-2008, 09:01 PM   #4
Imigo Jones
Tornado Ali
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Used to be woods in town on prairie; now Emerald City
Posts: 82
You may have heard that Nicholas Cage is currently filming a movie in and around the Macedon area. It's based on a Steven King novel called "The Knowing".
Let's try this again:
You may have heard that Nicolas Cage is currently filming a movie in and around the Macedon area. It's based on a Stephen King novel called "The Knowing".
IMDb discussion thread
Q: "I read that this film was based on a Stephen King novel, does anyone know if this is true?"
First reply: "I don't think it's true. I'm pretty familiar with Stephen King's work, and I don't think he ever wrote anything like this. I've also read the script and there's no mention of it being based on any previous work."

The writing credits make absolutely no mention of Stephen King. Also, the movie's title is simply Knowing, no "The."

IMDb synopsis:
"A teacher (Cage) opens a time capsule that has been dug up at his son's elementary school; in it are some chilling predictions -- some that have already occurred and others that are about to -- that lead him to believe his family plays a role in the events that are about to unfold." That is, National Treasure III: International Treasure.

All the other actors seem to be Aussie, as are all the locations, mostly in and around Melbourne.

Mt. Macedon area N of Melbourne--must be terrific!

"Mt Macedon is an extinct volcano which rises to 1010 metres above sea-level, making it the highest peak of the Macedon Ranges. The area associated with the mountain possesses immense scenic and natural values and a richly developed English cultural heritage, particularly in terms of its horticulture and architecture. At the foot of the mountain is the township of Macedon (population 1250) while, part way up the hill, 65 km north-west of Melbourne, are the lovely tree-lined streets and gardens of Mount Macedon (population 670). . . .

"In the 1870s, the beauty and coolness of the slopes began to attract members of Melbourne's wealthy social elite and the government released some blocks on the south side of the mountain to the landed and business classes. Consequently a number of grand Victorian homes were established (including one for the state governor) as summer residences."
[Interesting history, natural history, sights, and amenities.]

English colonists discover Mounted Macedon
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