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Old 12-12-2008, 06:20 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Beestie View Post
I get bundled service from Cox (TV/Internet/Landline) and am very happy with it. And Cox is wiring the area for digital so they seem to be staying one step ahead of Verizon.
Cox is simply the Comcast of that region. Same monopoly - just change the two words - Cox and Verizon?

They don't rewire for digital. Your analog TV antenna is also a digital antenna. Same wires carry digital or analog - if wires were properly installed.

1950 copper telephone wires were sufficient for DSL. In every case, the bottleneck is what those wires connect to - not the wires.

Same with fiber optics. That bandwidth keeps increasing not due to more fiber. Existing fiber bandwidth keep increasing over the years due to the word that also makes America great - innovation.

Why was DSL not installed starting 1981? No rewiring necessary. But the local monopolist refused to replace that circuit switch computer with a packet switch computer. 1996 Federal Commication Act was Clinton saysing that if the company does not innovate, then anyone else can install that innovation on same company lines.

Notice how often companies will not innovate until required by government law - big steel, domestic automakers, coal fired power plants, etc.

Monopolies should only exist if their monopoly is due to innovation. Unfortunately, even those monopolies get corrupted as bean counters move in to stifle innovation - because their only purpose is profits.

What saves companies? Free market forces. For example the greatest America patriots bought cars manufactured in 1960 Moscow if those cars were the best. Buy American creates monopolies, destroys innovation, and undermines America. Threat of bankruptcy being one of the few tools that attacks the enemy of every company with vindiction. That enemy is a CEO who comes from business schools and only worked in fianance - does not come from where the work gets done.

Well, free maket competition saved 1990 IBM. Free market competition works because it attacks the enemy of every company - defective bean counter management. No matter how good Verizon and Comcast are today, their monopolitist market is ripe territory for MBAs to take over, stifle innovation, destroy jobs, and preach a doctine that always promotes corruption and threatens America: "The purpose of a company is its profits."

It was a silly myth that if multiple companies must install lines in the same neighborhood, then nobody would be profitable. Equivalent to saying only Intel patented technology can exist in an Intel microprocessor. Complete MBA bullshit. In free markets, companies even share the same telephone pole - despite what those MBAs say to justify monopolies.
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