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Old 10-01-2012, 06:04 AM   #49
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Slush money and kickbacks were a staple of the Olympics, at the highest level. Just this year, a few more of their highest international directors, were blatantly exposed for it.

In 2000, you either went along with the prevailing way the IOC ran things (and the national IC's beneath them also had problems with this), or you had no olympics - period. Through 2012, that is still true, they are finding out.

Romney saved the Salt Lake City Olympics, when it was hanging with both feet over it's grave.

He didn't do it with great bookkeeping, and he didn't do it for free. When you have to pay contractors for over time, and double time, and triple time, you're damn right, it costs a LOT of money.

The incredible thing, is that he was able to save the Salt Lake City Olympics, at all. And, they are the ONLY Winter Olympics to date, that have shown a profit.

That's another one of those FACTS, that are of no interest to you.

I'm confident that YOU, sitting back in your recliner 12 years later, could have done a MUCH better job, however.
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