Thread: Weird News
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Old 03-30-2019, 06:58 PM   #4060
Urbane Guerrilla
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jul 2002
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V, quit it. I know something about gunhandling that you do not. You are not -- have you ever been? -- at all willing to learn the something, are you now? That does not oblige me to emulate you.

I am not accusing Grave of stupidity, but of something worse. It may even be curable, even, if Grave gets woke. I am accusing him of perniciousness. If Grave does not *want* to be pernicious, genocide-friendly, and crime-abetting (the evidenced mindset of the Sacramento Democrats, may gadflies assail them) then his view of guns could more approach mine; he could know what I know, and not take refuge in an ignorance. Flying to that refuge would not be how you win one for civilization, V. I understand this even when you don't or can't. I'm wise.

Unarmed people are the fearful ones -- with the best of reasons. Armed people need never fear other armed people, simply because they can do something about it. There's no sign V appreciates what a comfort that is.

Private arming is the enforcing of human rights and civil rights too. In any imaginable circumstances, no matter how severe, you have those human rights that you, tw, xoxoBruce and three hundred and twenty-odd million others can *enforce,* regardless of whatever force, fraud, propaganda, advertising, or oppression may be militated against those rights. You, V, would sound very different were you not influenced by that propaganda and advertising. You'd sound more like me and be a dynamic force for civilization.

It is civilized to have a counterpoise to the State to prevent State barbarity and a counterpoise to private, criminal barbarity -- it clogs those temptations with imponderables, and that is exactly what the civilized man in full wants. It is what you want, whether got by this unpleasant means or by something nicer. I consider it as important as oxygen -- having studied on it. Ignorance, pace Orwell, is not Strength. I work to free myself of ignorance, and by golly, it's doing the job.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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