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Old 08-06-2013, 08:13 AM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
The loophole here is that some manufacturers actually produce using a gluten-free process, while others deliberately use gluten and then try to process it out afterwards--this is common in products where malt (barley) is used. Yes, you can process down to less than 20 ppm, earn your little stamp, but what happens on the day there is a new employee, or the machines are in need of servicing? Mistakes can't happen if you just adhere to safe ingredients in the first place, but now companies don't necessarily have to do that. Not that they had to before, either, since prior to this it was completely unregulated. But many major manufacturers were reluctant to jump in without knowing what they could or couldn't get away with, so up until now, most if not all products were using zero gluten ingredients by default. I predict you will see an explosion of post-processed-GF products now, and an associated explosion of accidents and recalls.
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