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Old 08-31-2015, 08:20 AM   #34
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
An answer from Mum re the bowling alley question.

The photo was taken in Soll, Austria on a weeks skiing holiday Feb 1969. We had our first anniversary out there.
We were taken to an old inn in the village by the Rep where this tiny bowling alley was. A good evening I remember.
Dad’s sweater was bright red at the bottom. He had it for years. His mum knitted it.

The couple behind him were newly-ish wed too and lived at Stansted I remember. They told us they had twin beds at home. I had never heard of that for couples only 6 months married and thought them daft. Dad and I had been complaining as our single beds in the hotel were end to end in a very narrow room. Too much info??
Poor Mum. She told me last night that Dad can no longer remember their wedding day. She said she knows she shouldn't be upset about that, but it was so important to them both, and such a happy day. Given it was so long ago, she'd hoped he'd retain it as a memory for longer. I said some soothing things, but it's so hard for her.

Srtill, in minor but better news, bought Mum a Miss Army Knife from the carboot sale yesterday.
As Carruthers pointed out, it does not have a device to remove stones from horses shoes. But then I suspect the mirror will be more useful to Mum.
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