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Old 11-14-2003, 01:47 PM   #50
The Prodigal Brat Returneth
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: North Cackalacky
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FNF - I find your post troubling.

Which you're entitled to, opinions are free

FNF - If the 'kids' are old enough to have sex they're old enough to understand the responsibility.

And it's the parent's job to teach that responsibility - not to pawn it off on the public school which has enough problems with teaching math, science, and grammar.

FNF- I especialy find "Those kids shouldn't even know about sex, let alone be having it." most disturbing. I knew about "sex" before I was 7 years old.

Did you not say that you grew up in another country? (If I remember correctly) It's more common elsewhere to have a healthy attitude about sex. What it is, what it can do, what it means. Other cultures are more 'open' about such things. Unfortunately, in a society as 'open' as ours, we tend to shove such important things under the rug.

FNF - The problem isn't that "kids shouldn't even know about sex" it's that they SHOULD know about sex and be educted in such a way that they understand that it's a wonderful thing that's not to be ashamed of but carries a lot of responsibilites with it and that unless they are willing to accept that responsibility they should keep their pants on.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. But it's not the school system's job to do this. I don't think that it's the government's job to raise my children. (And as you know, that's who runs public schools)

FNF - I could go on into how kids should also be taught that sex is meant to happen with someone you love not someone you just want to fuck but thats another matter.

Again, something that should be handled at home.

However, if you look at society today, kids are showered in sex on a daily basis. They are never given the messages that we both agree that they should have. They are never told that women are not objects with boobs and arses that need to be flaunted. They're forced to grow up LONG before they're ready to BE grown up. Their role models are (IMO) sluts (shall I post pictures of Britney and Christina?)

And this is not because they're taught about condoms in school. IMO this is because a large number of families today are so fractured and dysfunctional that they don't communicate about what's important.

20 years ago (when I graduated from high school) it was rare that a girl was pregnant before she left high school. 10 years later, we had our first day care in high school in my county. Now, in some school districts, you have more teen parents than not. And there are boys who are fathers to multiple children and are not held responsible for it.

I pay taxes, and work hard to do it. My tax dollars fund welfare programs that pay for teen mothers - and in my opinion enable the problem to get worse. "If I get pregnant, I'll just go on welfare, no big deal - " Sorry, but if you do that, and you're old enough to work - you better be. You're old enough to have that baby, you better be old enough to support it.

It's called responsibility. And there are plenty of cases where kids aren't held responsiblity for the messes they cause.

The Constitution gives every American the right to make a total fool out of himself. But that doesn't mean you need to.

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