Thread: Eulogy
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Old 01-05-2015, 05:16 PM   #13
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Thanks *all* of you. You are good friends. Your support means a great deal to me, thank you.

I've shared this with Twil, of course, but not with anyone else around here, no one that isn't already directly involved. And I needed some more sounding boards, support, critical and non-critical contact, etc. Gah.

Tink, my ex-wife is very sick. (The right way to say this is "Tink is dying" but I can't really say it like that very easily.) She has ALS. Some of you know what ALS is, for the benefit of those who don't it stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also commonly known as Lou Gerhig's Disease. The "Ice Bucket Challenge" that was all the rage last summer was the hook for raising money to study and cure this disease. It is a heartbreaking disease to suffer and heartbreaking to watch.

The disease causes weakness in the muscles, which gradually (or not so gradually) weaken to the point of atrophy. First in the extremities, then further up the limbs, then difficulty swallowing (and much more importantly and dangerously, coughing), then breathing... Fuck. Tink's family has been ravaged by this fucking disease. When we got married in 1990, her mother began to display symptoms a couple years later. I don't think Tink's mom ever saw SonofV. Then Tink's brother. Her aunts. In 2010, Tink's twin sister succumbed. Now Tink.

The progress of the disease affects only the body, Tink's as sharp and alert as she's always been. But now she can't transfer herself from her wheelchair to another seat (or vice versa). Before Christmas, her "bedroom" was transplanted downstairs. She's climbed her last set of stairs. SonofV is living with her full time. I saw him Sunday, he looked pretty good except for the brace on his wrist. He said he can't lift his mom anymore without it hurting too much, so he needs the brace.

Godammit. I have to go back to work now. More later.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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