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Old 12-05-2012, 11:31 PM   #8488
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
It wasn't just about establishing dominance, it was about provoking a response. Bear in mind this wasn't a dog attacking another dog, this was a bitch attacking a pup. That's a troubled dog right there.

That was the same exact situation - a large, adult bitch attacking a smaller pup that still isn't even a year old.

I talked around with some dog park regulars and found out that "Bella" has attacked other dogs there not just once, but several times. In two instances, Bella inflicted damage that incurred vet bills for several hundred dollars.

Bella's owner has been reported to the local animal control officer more than once, also. So far, the owner has been warned, but with no citation or other consequences. Unbelievable!

Tonight I was at the dog park along with a casual aquaintance of mine and his dog, Carson (a lively beagle that Wyn always plays with). Carson's Dad saw Bella and her owner pulling into the paring lot and said, "Here comes trouble." Then he called Carson, walked over to his truck and left.

I never confront people IRL. I'd rather just get along or avoid any potential situations, myself. But I was pretty P.O.'ed after what had happened to Wyn and finding out that Bella actually tears into other dogs all the time.

Why should all the responsible owners and their dogs be forced out of the park by one irresponsible person and her mean dog? Plus, the day might well come when Bella actually kills a smaller dog if someone doesn't get there quickly enough to rescue it.

So, I let the woman who owns Bella have it. I told her she was not to bring Bella into the park if Wyn was there, too, otherwise I'd call animal control on her and THIS time I'd demand that they do something more than just give her a little slap on the wrist.

Of course Bella's owner denied that her dog had a problem. It was EVERYONE else who had a problem, not poor, sweet Bella. I told her that she'd better worry about ME and the major problem animal control would visit on her if she ever let Bella near Wyn again.

Then I left, too. So, one more time Bella had the park all to herself while Wyn and I finished our stroll by walking around in the cemetary across the street. I hate this kind of shit.
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