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Old 03-01-2005, 11:39 AM   #18
High Propagandist
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 111
The glare of patriotism, the cloud of fear and the gloss of of the "free" press

To be fair, the cracking down on civil liberties and the acceptance by much of the press in the US, and more moderate Republicans is a huge factor in the control that Bush exerts on the US. Fear and patrotism keeps the present system afloat. It's only when the populace tires of such tactics, and the government truly goes too far as in the case of the Cold War domestic intelligence efforts that any of this will be addressed, that is if we last long enough to see 2010. A good inidcator of a lightening of intelligence tactics will be a cooling down of a percieved threat. In the 70's Nixon's detente, including his arm limitations agreements with the Soviets, his visit to China, and the end of the Vietnam conflict signaled a cooling down of tensions in the cold war, not to mention the general tiredness of the American public for such a framework. These events parsed with a Democrat controlled Congress, great social change, and Watergate signaled the death toll of that era of the national security state, at least for awhile. The mid to late 70's represented one of the freer periods in this country's history, as well as the most recent reconsideration of national security efforts in the name of America's protection. It stands to reason that simliar multi-prong changes in the framework will be the prelude to the airing out of current abuses, now shrouded in fear and loyalty. The time will come, but for now we are in the midst of the build up, the reconsideration, is some time to come. After the deaths of many more service people, and continuing intelligence abuses, and the unveiling of scandals no longer tolerated in the name of national security.


Last edited by iamthewalrus109; 03-01-2005 at 11:44 AM.
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