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Old 07-11-2011, 07:51 AM   #3
We have to go back, Kate!
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Possible. But part of it is also that the Guardian newspaper continued to engage in solid investigative journalism and uncovered more and more stuff.

The Guardian first reported two years ago. The oversight body for the press investigated, but accepted the Police's assertion that it had only been one journalist at fault, and one private detective. Despite the fact they had incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.

Since then the new management and staff at the NoTW have been co-operating with an investigation and trawling through past emails and records looking for wrongdoing. I feel rather sorry for the current workforce really. They are picking up the tab for something their predeccessors engaged in.

This has bubbled away for two years, what proved a tipping point though, was when it became clear they'd hacked Milly Dowling's answerphone mesages whilst she was missing. Not just accessing them, but allegedly also deleting them whch gave false hope to parents and police that she was still alive, whne in fact she;'d already been killed and her body dumped. Not only was that shocking, but also moved the timeline of events further back to 2002 thereby implicating more people.

Then came the news that they'd hacked servicemen's relatives, and relatives of 7/11 victims. At that point there was a massive public outcry.

The political angle to this is that Cameron's press guy had already resigned because bits of news kept coming out linking him to stuff, but not yet criminally so. Once it became clear he was about to be arrested and implicated in criminal activities, the PM had to start making statements and looking tough.

Alongside this there's been legal action running against the paper, by several prominent people who'd been hacked.

So, it was already coming, And was always going to come out.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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