Thread: poll: group sex
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Old 05-18-2004, 12:43 PM   #12
halve your cake and eat it too.
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Georgia.. by way of Lawrence Kansas
Posts: 1,359

well.. uh.. suffice to say that in Kansas sometimes there isn't much to do besides get drunk and have deviant sex.. atleast when I was younger.. there was (and to the best of my knowledge still is.. although it's been a while since I've seen/talked to any of these people) a group of people who work in the downtown area who routinely engage in 'sex parties' whereas I discounted this for a while.. until one night after drinking too much and flirting with apparently one of them.. I was invited to said party.. and against my better judgement (it's hard to say NO to a beautiful woman who is..well....touching you in all the right places.. so off I went.. and well... it was interesting to say the least.. there were alot of people.. and lots of 'party favours' and then well.. suffice to say the next day I didn't feel the way I expected to... no 'wow I stuck my &*^% in 5 different women last night.. how cool is that?' feeling.. more like I had compromised myself and my basic belief system or just kind of 'dirty' (honestly I'm glad I did it, I got to do what most men fantasize about.. but it wasn't really satisfying).. heh.. maybe I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body.. NO NO don't get me wrong on that.. I like having a penis and I like being male.. I just tend to think I'm too emotional on some things.. maybe I ought not have said this.. oh well
no my child.. this is not my desire..I'm digging for fire.
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